Sunday, April 25, 2010

"A Reliable Wife" by Robert Goolrick Book about an man who places an ad in a paper for a wife and gets a response from a woman con artist. Overall I didn't care for it and thought it could have been so much more. There was some redemption at the end, but too little, too late to save the story in my opinion.
Bill Bryson's "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" I choose this for April because my daughter was reading it for her book club. I've read other books by Bryson and like his writing style. I found the book entertaining and funny, easy to read. I expected to "recognize" and relate to more of the stories than I did. I guess there is a big difference between being a child of the 50's or a child of the later 60's. Glad I read it.
"Little Bee" I was very curious to read this book-the back cover was cleverly written to draw you in without telling you anything. It was a painful, sad story but interesting in it's refugee perspective. Well written.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. Wonderful, wonderful book. As good as the hype surrounding it. The 'characters' were so realistic they didn't even seem like characters. I can imagine them all living in Mississippi. Aibileen, Minny and the others. . . . Miss Skeeter, of course, is in New York City writing other books :)
Harlan Coben-"Tell No One" Another fast paced page turner by this author. Story of a man whose wife was murdered 8 years prior. Although he was also attacked, he becomes a suspect in her death. Typical Coben style with plot twists and turns. Very good!