Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Year of Living Biblically

This memoir from AJ Jacobs was my October book, although it went into November til I finished reading it. My daughter has this as her next book club selection and I had wanted to read it since I heard about it. Very interesting premise, well written. It makes me think about some of the Biblical laws and how to follow them. Also makes me think about tolerance and the outlook of religions towards each other. Will keep this for future reference and have added other books by this author to my to be read list.

Day After Night

by Anita Diamant Intresting story about a portion of history that I knew nothing about. It was based on the true story of the October 1945 rescue of two hundred (plus) prisonsers from an internment camp name Atlit. The camp was run by the British for 'illegal' immigrants to Isreal immediately after the second World War. Very thought provoking.

The Girl Who Played with Fire

Second novel in the 'triloby' by Steig Larsson. I like this one much better than the first. It was easier to get into from the beginning. Awesome plot twists and turns, ending was great, need to read the next one SOON!